Video List Building: How To Build Your List Using YouTube Videos

video list building-s

Did you realize only a very small percentage of people will purchase your product or service the first time they see it? Most people (including myself) want to be more informed before investing our hard-earned money. There’s also the barrier of trust. You’re more inclined to purchase a product if you trust the person or business.

Let’s look at the top 4 benefits of building a list

1. Develop relationships

Once people subscribe to your list you can follow-up by sending quality content on a regular basis via an autoresponder marketing system ie sending them follow-up messages on a regular basis. When people know, like and trust you they’ll buy more.

2. Repeat sales

As long as people remain on your list you can continue to recommend your products and services thus generating more multiple sales from the same person. Actually by educating them how to build their business they will be happy to stay on your list.

3. Control your list

Relying on the search engines, Facebook, Twitter or YouTube to market your business means you have no control over your visitors. For instance many online businesses suddenly lost all their online income due to the Penguin and Panda algorithim updates in the Google search engine. For years they had maintained top rankings in Google, but after the updates they lost all their rankings and profits. They made a big mistake by placing all their eggs in one basket (Google).

4. Lifetime value of customers

A list enables you to build a lifetime relationship with your customers so you become the “authority” in your niche. They come to rely on you for advice, product recommendations and consultations.

How To Build Your List Using YouTube Videos

YouTube videos are a great way to build your list because it’ easier and faster to get top rankings in the search engines and videos captivate the attention of your audience more than written content.

Within your video

1. Use the “associated website” annotation

You need to enable the “monetizaton” feature in YouTube to use this feature. Once your account has been verified create a “note” annotation and select “associated website” from the annotation drop down box. Enter the URL to your opt-in form page and save your settings. When viewers watch your video they’ll be able to click the annotation in your video and get redirected to your landing page.

2. Redirect viewers to a promo video

Create a specific video outlining the benefits of subscribing to your list. This enables you to give viewers more information than simply asking them to subscribe. Use the “associated website” annotation within the video to redirect them to your landing page containing the opt-in form.

3. Tell viewers what to do

Instead of relying on viewers to take action by just viewing the annotations in your video, re-emphasis the action points by telling them what to to do, how to do it and why.

4. Use Leadplayer software

Leadplayer is software that enables you to add an opt-in form within your YouTube video while it’s on YouTube as well as any videos on your web pages. Another great alternative is to use the Aweber plugin from Viewbix to quickly and easily add an Aweber opt-in form within any videos on your WordPress blog.

Within the description

5. Add a landing page URL

Include the website address (URL) to your landing page at the beginning and end of your video description. Give them a reason to subscribe by mentioning the top benefits. Within your video you can also say something similar to “click the link below to subscribe to my newsletter.”

6. Offer an incentive

Most people won’t subscribe by simply asking them to. Offer an incentive such as a free report, e-course or contest to motivate them to take action. Click here to see this method in action at the end of this video.

7. Add a personal video to your blog or website

A personal video helps visitors to become acquainted with you, the owner of the blog or website. It provides the opportunity to show your personality as if you’re sitting across from your potential customer over a cup of coffee. This strategy has more impact than trying to do it via text. Watch the welcome video on my Maryland Web Design site.

Pick one or several of these techniques to build your list using YouTube videos. Monitor how many people are signing up on a daily basis by viewing the stats in your mailing list provider. Even if you only get one or 2 subscribers each day it means you’re building a list you control yourself and can monetize it to generate ongoing profits for your business.


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