How To Blur Out Faces On Existing YouTube Videos

Do you want to protect the identity of someone in your video?

Perhaps you’ve created an embarrassing video clip where
you don’t want to show your face.

YouTube has a face blurring tool that enables you to blur out the faces in your videos without removing and re-uploading your videos.

Here are the steps to blur out faces in videos on YouTube:

Watch the video below..

  • Go to your video manager
  • Select the video that you wish to edit
  • Click edit
  • Click enhancements
  • Click “blurring effects”
  • Click “apply”
  • It says “automatically find and blur faces”
  • So you can see I’ve got a blurred face here
  • Here’s a Preview and here’s the Original
  • So if I move the preview window to the left it will blur ALL the faces
  • If I want to do custom blurring
  • Just uncheck “applied”
  • Click “edit”
  • Now I can just hover over the person that I wish to blur
  • The software will automatically blur out
    the person that you wish to blur
  • You can also extend the timeline if you move this slider
  • If I want to blur out another persons face I can
    select another person so I can blur out 2 people
  • If you only want to blur out the people in a
    portion of your video just move the slider here to about 10 seconds
  • Now you can see that they are blurred out up to
    10 seconds and then it’s not blurred out after 10 seconds
  • If you want to remove the blur just click
    the “X” and that will remove the blur
  • Now you’ve only got one person on the blur
    but I want to do both so I am just going to do it up to 10 seconds
  • Once you’ve done editing just click “done”

Now you have 3 choices to save the video…

  1. You can revert back to the original
  2. You can save it as a new video or
  3. You can save it as an existing video so nothing will be changed on the video except for the blurring
  • I am going to click “save” and you’ll get a pop-up saying “saving edits..we keep a version of your original video so you can undo your edits. To prevent this select cancel and then save as new video”
  • So I am just going to click “save”
  • And now you can see that it has a notice across it saying “edit in progress”
  • And if we check the video, above the video it says “Sit tight. Your video edits are being processed. Come back to this page in a little while”
  • So we’ll come back to this page in a little
    while to check out our blurred effects
  • Let’s play the video
  • You can see that the 2 faces have been blurred out in the video

Now you know how to blur out the faces in your YouTube
videos without having to remove or re-upload your videos.

Click Here to download my free report “YouTube editing secrets” You’ll learn the shortcut to video editing on YouTube that doesn’t require expensive software.

How To Poll Viewers On YouTube Using Poll Cards

poll cards

Did you ever want to add a poll to your YouTube video but
couldn’t because YouTube didn’t offer that feature?

Well, now you can poll your viewers directly in your video using poll cards.

Poll cards enable viewers to participate in multiple-choice polls directly within your videos.You can display your card at a specific time in your video and see the results in real time.

Here’s how to use cards to poll your YouTube viewers….

Watch the video below..

  • Click the profile icon
  • Click Creator Studio
  • Click the video manager
  • Select the video that wish to add a poll to
  • I’m going to select this video
  • Click edit
  • Click add a card
  • Go down to poll “encourage viewers to participate in a poll”
  • Click “create”
  • Add your poll question
  • It says “this text will also be used in the card teaser”
  • So add the teaser text
  • Poll choices…click “add another choice”
  • Click “create card”
  • Here’s the card..”what’s the biggest wave you’ve surfed..approximately 50 feet, 20 feet, 10 feet, under 5 feet
  • Adjust the start time for the teaser…so I’m going to put it at around 30 seconds
  • If you want to edit the poll just click the “Edit card” and you can just edit it there
  • If you want to remove it you just click the trash icon
  • Ok let’s check the poll
  • Go to the 30 second mark
  • Ok here’s the teaser text
  • When somebody clicks on that they’ll see the poll
  • So I’m going to select approximately 10 can see I’ve got 100%
    I select another one…100% on the other choice

How do you view the poll results?

  • Go to our cards editor
  • Click cards
  • And here it’s got the poll results
  • Click on that
  • Here’s the poll results…”what’s the biggest wave you’ve surfed?”
  • Approximately 10 feet
  • Here are 2 important things to keep in mind
    when adding poll cards to your YouTube videos…

    1. Viewers must be logged in to their YouTube account to participate in a poll. If they are logged out they’ll can be prompted to log in before they can vote.

    2. Once you delete a card you won’t be able to access the card and the votes will be lost.

    That’s it!.

    Now you know how to create, edit and remove poll cards on YouTube so you can poll your viewers.

    Download my free report “YouTube Editing Secrets.” Learn the short cut to video editing on YouTube that doesn’t require expensive software
    Go to:

How To Associate Multiple Websites With Your YouTube Account

associate multiple websites with youtube Did you know that you can associate up to 1,000 sites to your YouTube account? This includes news and mobile sites. This means you can link a video to any site that you own on your YouTube account.

Most YouTubers think you can only associate one website with your YouTube account. After associating one website you can add more associated websites via Webmaster tools. When you want to link to an external website, annotations will just look at Webmaster Tools to see if the domain is allowed.

Click here to learn how to associate an external website
with your YouTube account

Here are the steps to associate multiple
websites to your YouTube account:

Watch the video below…

Click here to subscribe to my YouTube Channel and get more Video Tutorials.

  • Log into your YouTube channel
  • Click on channel – Advanced
  • Scroll down to where you see associated website
  • Add a website that you own
  • Click “add”
  • It says “success”
  • I can remove the first website (URL) then add a different one(URL)
  • Click “add” again and you’ll get “success” again
  • So I’ve now associated 2 websites with my YouTube channel
  • You can add additional websites that you own (up to 1000!)

Here are 4 tips to keep in mind:

1. If you don’t see the associated website option that means that your YouTube account may not be verified or that your associated website may not be verified.

2. All websites associated with your YouTube account
can be used across multiple channels on that account.

3. You can automatically add and verify blogger sites
by enabling webmaster tools via the blogger dashboard.

4. You can use YouTube Cards to link your video to an associated website.

That’s it!

Now you know how to associate multiple websites with your YouTube account.

Download my FREE GUIDE “YouTube Editing Secrets”
You’ll learn the shortcut to editing your videos right on YouTube.
No expensive software is required.
Click here to download it NOW!