How To Create A YouTube Marketing Funnel To Generate New Leads

youtube marketing funnel

If you’re not generating a continuous stream of new leads to your business you will stop making a profit and soon be out of business. One of the best ways for creating an effective marketing funnel is to build a list of contacts using YouTube videos then build a relationship over time by sending them a series of follow-up messages via your autoresponder.

Let’s look at the 7 steps for creating a YouTube Marketing Funnel
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How to Build a Relationship With Your Autoresponder List

Many marketers focus on building large email lists because they’ve been told you can make a lot of instant money by sending product offers to them. So they spend weeks or even years building their list believing this is the correct thing to do. One of the biggest problems with most list builders is not developing relationships with the people on their list. They are only concerned about the numbers. This results in an unresponsive list. A small responsive list is better than a large one which gets no response.

7 ways to build a relationship with your autoresponder list

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Autoresponder List – 5 ways to build a relationship with your autoresponder list

Building a large list of prospects doesn’t guarantee you’ll generate more sales. The numbers may look good but the quality of the relationships with your prospects may be lacking. People tend to buy products from people they know, like and trust. To gain the trust of prospects on your autoresponder list you need to build life-long relationships with them.

5 ways to build a relationship with your autoresponder list

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How Much Should I Pay For a Good Autoresponder?

Email Newsletters & Email Marketing by

So you decided to automate your email marketing. After doing a Google search on autoresponders and receiving hundreds of replies you end up confused because there’s so many options to choose from and each offer different price ranges. Let’s look at the different options and the prices associated with them.

Free auto responders

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Autoresponder Pros and Cons

autoresponder pros and cons
What prevents online business owners from using an autoresponder?
What are the main benefits of autoresponders?
Why are they the “must-have” tool for business owners?

If you’re not currently using an autoresponder for your business you’re leaving a lot of money on the table plus you’re not automating a large portion of your online business. After 10 years of marketing online I finally decided to use an autoresponder. Why did it take so long to make a decision. Perhaps you’ll find the answer among the pros and cons listed below.

Autoresponder Pros and Cons

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Autoresponder vs Free Report – Pros and Cons

The two most popular methods of getting potential clients to sign up to your landing page is offering a free report or a series of follow-up email messages or e-course using an autoresponder. A free report appeals to people that want their information immediately whereas an autoresponder appeals to those who want to receive a portion of it each day over several days.

Pros and Cons of using an autoresponder vs Free Report

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How to Create 7 Highly Effective Autoresponder Messages

It’s a fact that a prospect needs to be reminded 7 times before they’ll purchase your product. Autoresponders make this easy because you can set them up to deliver these messages on autopilot.

When a person reads your sales letter they tend to skim it instead of reading it word for word. They might read and understand the first point you’re making then tune out until the fifth message. It’s easy for a prospect to completely miss the main points of your sales letter which prevents them from buying your product.

How to Create 7 Highly Effective Autoresponder Messages

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Autoresponder Mistakes and How to Correct Them

autoresponder mistakes
An autoresponder is a “must have ” tool for building an online business as it enables you to follow-up on your customers by sending them email messages spaced out over time. Customers who didn’t purchase your product immediately can be offered a series of tips that will warm them up to purchase from you later.

Top 7 autoresponder mistakes and how to correct them

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How to Write an Autoresponder Sequence That Convert Into Sales

ways autoresponders build your business

If you want to boost sales you need to build a relationship with your customers. Ninety percent of visitors to your sales page won’t purchase your product. This means you’re losing out on a lot of potential sales. Instead of relying on your sale page to convert visitors into buyers create a follow-up system by writing an email autoresponder sequence. This enables you to stay in touch with visitors.

How to Write an Autoresponder Sequence That Convert Into Sales

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How Autoresponders Build Relationships With Your Customers

Let me ask you a question about your buying habits: do you usually buy a product on your first visit or do you buy it after several visits?

When shopping online it’s very easy to comparison shop or get distracted by surfing other websites. Most internet users won’t purchase something on the first visit unless they know exactly what they want or get mesmerized by a great sales letter (how often have you bought something and never used it?)

How Autoresponders Build Relationships With Your Customers

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