Popup Domination Review – Get More Subscribers On Your List

pop up domination

Why is the phrase “the money is in the list” a common phrase mentioned by many online marketers? The beauty of building a list of subscribers is that you can build a relationship with them instead of trying to sell to them one time. The larger your list the more opportunities you have to generate sales. Not every person on your list is going to purchase something every time they are contacted.

So how do you get more subscribers on your list?

Recently I purchased a product called Popup Domination. It’s a WordPress Plugin (or you can install it on a static website as a standalone script) that displays a beautiful opt-in template when someone visits your blog or website.

See the plugin in action on my blog at:

A new window pops up after a few seconds of visiting a web page asking for your name and email address. After subscribing you get my free report: “7 habits of highly effective traffic generation” plus in-depth articles from my Marketing Tips newsletter delivered to your email inbox every 2 weeks.

Benefits of popup domination

Get more subscribers
The author of the plugin advertises your opt-in rate will increase by 304%. It could, however this depends on other factors such as the quality of your free offer, your ecover, your web copy and who your target audience is. After installing the plugin I now average 10 new subscribers per day.

Easy installation
It only takes a few minutes to install. You simply download the zip file to your desktop, unzip it and upload the folder to the plugins directory on your WordPress blog. Before activating the plugin you’ll need to select a template, add the html code, add your copy, add an ecover graphic (if your offering a free report or ebook) and schedule how often the window should appear.

The pop-up doesn’t annoy your visitors because it only pops up the first time they visit one of your web pages. You can adjust the settings to appear once every 7 days (recommended) or whenever you like.

Beautiful templates

The plugin comes with 7 beautiful templates and you have the option of selecting 15 different colors. You then just fill in the text boxes and html code before activating it.

Select where the pop-up will appear
Select if the pop-up should appear on every page of your blog, just the home page or only pages within your categories.

If you wish to create your own graphics (to match the colors of your website) the zipped file includes all the PSD files of the templates. These can be customized by importing them into your own graphics editor.

Works with any email provider
If you’re using a less known email provider, don’t worry it will still work. I use YMLP to send email to my list and for creating mulitiple autoresponders. It only takes a few minutes to set-up, is less expensive that most other professional email list providers and doesn’t skimp on features.

Read my review of YMLP

You simply grab the html code provided by your email company and insert all of it into the html box provided. The plugin automatically inserts the correct code for the name, email, submit button and form URL.

60 day money-back guarantee
You have a full 60 days to experiment with the plugin. If it doesn’t work for you the author will gladly refund your money.

More subscribers means you have a greater potential of increasing your sales because you are exposing your offers to a wider audience.

Get more subscribers today by purchasing Popup Domination then test it for 60 days. If it doesn’t greatly increase your subscriptions you can always ask for a refund.


  1. […] sites, forum signatures and articles. One very effective method I implemented on my blog was adding Pop-Up Domination. It’s a small unobtrusive opt in form that pops up for few seconds every 7 days asking you to […]

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