Joomla Video – How to Use Videos on Joomla Web Site

Recently a friend asked how to add your videos to his Joomla web site:

Here are a few ways to add videos:

1. Embed your video

Go to, select your video then copy and paste the embed code (top right) into your page content. The video will play on your Joomla web site using the bandwidth from YouTube.

2. Host video on your own web site

This benefits of doing this is that you don’t have to rely on YouTube (or any other video sharing site to host your videos) and you keep all the visitors on your page without getting distracted by all the other videos and ads that YouTube dishes up. You also don’t need to fear your video will disappear if YouTube closes down or withdraws its videos.

How to host videos on your own Joomla web site:

*Download the mgmedia2 component and bot for Joomla from
(mgMediaBot displays various multimediafiles in your content)

*Make sure you publish mgmediabot

*Download video from youtube to computer (visit to learn how to do this)

*Upload video to your media manager and place it inside this folder: images/stories/video using Joomla Explorer component

*Add this line to your page content…


Replace videodatei.wmv with your own video file.
(PLEASE ensure that no html tags are in this line, this could have some funny side effects)

*Save page

*Preview page to test if video is playing correctly(check with Internet Explorer and may have to download a plugin to view some video files)

**Media files supported (video) rm, rv, wmv, mpg, avi, mov, mp4, flv, swf, (audio) ra, ram, wma, mp3


For a popup link:
{mgmediabot2}images/stories/videos/videodatei.wmv|true(Click here to play)|300|300{/mgmediabot2}

1. your media file, supported for now (video) rm, rv, wmv, mpg, avi, mov, mp4, flv, swf, (audio) ra, ram, wma, mp3, you can use absolute, relative and full URLs, if you use a subfolder for your joomla Installation and like to display the media inline you have to use only relative or full URLs
2. false for displaying inline, true(Link title) for displaying a link with “Link title” as linktext to popup
3. width of displayarea/popup
4. height of displayarea/popup

MP3: for using multiple mp3s you can enter them like this: file1.mp3;file2.mp3;….


  1. Mgmedia2 is broken after joomla 1.5.14, and there seems to be no effort to fix this.

  2. Thx for info. Nice blog. Bookmarked!

  3. “PLEASE ensure that no html tags are in this line, this could have some funny side effects”

    I really don’t know how to get rid of the tag

    am struggling for two days without result, anyone can help?

  4. <> tag


    I cant get it to upload or install => extensions => install => FAILS TO MAKE DIRECTORY FAILS TO INSTALL


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