Article Marketing – How to Get the Most Traffic From Your Articles

Part 2

6. Be a guest writer

Offer to be a guest writer for a large publication or high traffic web site or blog. You will need to show you are an authority in your niche first before they will accept you. Instead of using the same article, modify it enough so it is unique. Your guest article or post will drive lots of traffic to your own web site.

7. Submit unique content to social media sites

Social media sites are currently one of the best ways to attract traffic with good content and backlinks. For example you could create a squidoo lens for your main keyword and write some content around it. Make sure you include links back to your main web site by weaving them into the copy..

To get a list of social media marketing sites and how to market to them visit:

8. Create a PDF

Search engines also spider PDF files. Convert your MS word article to a PDF file and place a link to it on your web site.

9. Create an audio file

Some folks prefer to listen rather than read content. Place an audio file or podcast of your content on your web site or blog then submit your podcast to podcast directories.

10. Create a video

Most people grew up watching television, movies and videos so they are accustomed to visual learning. Create a video of your article and submit your video to YouTube and other video sharing sites. Google indexes video content and includes it in their search engine results.

If you implement these top 10 article marketing methods, you will see a massive increase in traffic, get visitors to your web site and make many sales.

If you want to attract a continuous stream of NEW visitors to
your website without spending a dime on advertising pick up a copy of
my new ebook”Article Marketing Strategies“…
to receive immediate and long-term traffic.

Herman Drost is the Certified Internet Webmaster (CIW)
owner and author of Web Site Design, Web Hosting, SEO


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  2. Your welcome Will.

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