Is your website looking a little stale and not performing well for you?
Do you want it to look more professional?
If so, it’s time to redesign your website so it will clearly reflect your business image, attract more visitors and generate more sales.
Let’s look at the top 7 reasons to redesign your website
1. Out of date design
If your website was designed several years ago it probably has an old design that no longer appeals to your visitors (or yourself). Even if you get lots of visitors they are not purchasing your products or services. Your website should provide the best experience for first time visitors so they’ll want to do business with you.
2. Out of date content
If the content no longer grabs your visitor’s attention you need to rewrite it. Why not redesign your website while you rewrite the content so your design will harmonize or enhance it.
3. Ineffective navigation
If your visitors can’t quickly and easily access the information they’ll go to your competitor’s site. Your information should be within 3 clicks from the home page. Old navigation menus use images which search engines can’t index. Convert your pages over to a CSS (cascading style sheets) navigation system. It loads fast and is search engine friendly.
4. Slow loading web pages
Google has added loading speed as a rankling factor for the search engines. If your website doesn’t load fast you may not only lose rankings but lose impatient visitors. Some of the factors that affect load times include:
- flash objects: flash introductions or flash images
- large images or too many of them on the page
- code errors: javascript or html errors
- slow server: not enough space or bandwidth or too many sites on one server
- multi media: video and audio take up a lot of server resources
5. Not optimized for the search engines
Your web designer may not have designed your web pages to be search engine friendly so they won’t attract much traffic. Many web designers know how to design a website but are not familiar with promotion strategies. When redesigning your website be sure to select a web designer that knows about search engine marketing.
6. Converting static website to content management system (CMS)
If your static html website contains hundreds of pages that need updating you’ll have to edit them one at a time unless you use server side includes files. Many site owners are now using content management system because of these features:
- separate content creation from design
- easy to update/add/edit/delete pages from backend administration panel
- create unlimited pages
- no html knowledge needed
Two popular CMS editors are WordPress and Joomla. Both are open source and freely available
7. Creating an interactive website
Most static html websites are not built for interaction with your visitors. For example with a CMS such as a blog the visitor can leave comments, subscribe to RSS feeds, create multiple editors to add content, plus a blog automatically alerts the search engines of new content.
If your current website fits any these criteria consider a redesign. You’ll have the opportunity to create an up to date professional design that is search engine friendly, fast loading and attracts more visitors and sales.
Get a professional website design or redesign
for your online business by visiting:
Professional Website Design Company
Herman Drost is the Certified Internet Webmaster (CIW)
owner and author of
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