Video Marketing – How to Create and Upload Videos to Increase Backlinks, Rankings and Web Traffic

Looking for a highly effective way to attract more visitors to your web site?

Online videos are common place now and many marketers are using them to boost their web traffic. My last article discussed the top 10 benefits of video marketing. Let’s now discuss how it can be done.

1. Create your video

Use a video camera (or digital camera if you don’t have one) to record your movie. Make sure your camera is steady so you won’t get jerky motions. Have plenty of light (natural is better) in the background so your subjects are well illuminated.

If you’re creating a slide show using Windows Movie Maker then you don’t even need a camera. Alternatively create your slides in Power point or Open Office Impress then capture screen shots with Camtasia.

2. Editing your video

Before uploading your video for public consumption, check for any errors then edit them or redo the movie until you’re satisfied with it. If using windows movie maker you can edit the movie within it. Save the file in MOV or AVI format

3. Upload your video

Create an account on You Tube or other video sharing sites then upload your video. It will take a few minutes to upload. Be sure to write a descriptive paragraph to attract lots of viewers. Include a link back to your web site. This will help boost your backlinks.

4. Distribute to multiple web sites

Not all people only visit You Tube to watch videos. There are many others which are visited also. Here is a list of the top 10 video sharing web sites:

Google Video
Yahoo! Video

Read Where to Upload Your Videos

Like article submission the key to attracting lots of traffic with videos is to do it consistently. Make a schedule to create and distribute a video once a week to begin with. Once you get faster and more comfortable with it increase your volume. You’ll see a nice boost in backlinks, rankings and web traffic.

Attract 1000s of NEW visitors to your website with
“Effective Article Marketing Strategies”

Herman Drost is the Certified Internet Webmaster (CIW)
owner and author of Maryland Web Site Design – 7 reasons to use Ezinearticles to generate web traffic

Article marketing is one of the best ways to generate a consistent flow of traffic to your web site. This is because content is King” on the Internet. People are are always looking for information online so if you write articles that satisfy their needs you will always attract readers. Instead of submitting your article to hundreds of directories (this could be viewed as spamming) why not submit them to the top article directory on the Net.

Why (EA) is the top article directory on the Net

1. Receives the most visitors

In January 2009 EA delivered 5.1 million clicks to member sites. If you write a great article or submit lots of articles you are going to receive some of those 5.1 million clicks to your web site. The EA staff are constantly creating new ways to deliver more traffic to your articles.

2. Highest non-search engine referrer of highly pre-qualified traffic.

One of the stated missions of EA is to be the highest non-search engine referrer of highly pre-qualified traffic. The beauty of article marketing is that it’s free (except for writing time), saves money that you could spend on pay per click campaigns and will send you traffic for successive years as long as your articles remain online.

3. Human editors

Your articles are reviewed by live humans (not machines) before being published. People looking for free content to place on their web sites or ezines can be confident the articles are not full of spelling and grammatical errors. If they are they will get rejected.

4. Innovative strategies to generate visitors

One innovative strategy recently implemented was integrating Twitter with EA. Every article you submit to EA gets automatically published to your Twitter account. If you have a thousand subscribers on Twitter they will instantly get notified when a new article is published.

Other strategies

RSS Feed – webmasters receive immediate notification when your articles are added to EA.
Email alerts – articles get sent to over 400 niche daily email alerts. These alerts notify email list members when new articles are available that match their unique interests.

5. Include a comprehensive author bio

Readers of your article often want to know more about the author’s expertise. Your author bio at EA allows you to include a photo of yourself, description of your business and numerous links. ie.
Blog URL
Business URL
Personal URL:
Ezine URL:
Business/Social Networking Links
LinkedIN URL
FaceBook URL
Twitter URL

6. Active Blog and Forum

The Ezine Articles Blog keeps you informed of the latest developments plus provides tips how to improve your article marketing strategies for generating more traffic. You can interact with the staff and other EA members by participating on their forum.

7. Build your brand, exposure and expertise.

Millions of visitors use EA every day to find new content. This means your articles get exposed to a large variety of people. If one of your articles gets published in a newsletter with thousands of subscribers you’ll instantly receive a boost in traffic. By constantly writing and submitting articles to EA, visitors will recognize your brand because they view you as an expert on your subject.

Get my complete step-by-step guide for
Highly Effective Article Marketing Strategies
to boost traffic generation to your web site.

Traffic Generation – 7 ways to generate web traffic with article marketing

If you don’t attract visitors to your web site you won’t make any sales. One of the best free methods for traffic generation is to write lots of articles related to your business then distribute them through multiple channels on the Net.

1. Write highly effective content

There’s lots of content on the web which is not uniquely written. It may be copied from other sources, contain lots of spelling and grammar mistakes or doesn’t provide information the reader can use. A uniquely written article stands out from thousands of others on the Web. Find your own unique style of writing so you’ll naturally get people looking for more of your articles.

2. Attract the search engines

Search engines spider keywords contained in your article. Include them in the headline, body and anchor text. Use the h1 tag for the title of your article if it’s for a web page. Search engines place more emphasis on this tag than the body tags.

If you’re writing about dog collars, include the phrase “dog collars” in the link text (anchor text). of your web site. Your site will rank faster than if you just used the URL of your web site in the text.

3. Link building

Links are crucial for attracting web traffic. The quantity and quality of links determine how high your rankings will be. Links can be included in the resource box at the end of your articles, so the more articles you write and distribute on the Net the more links you’ll receive.

Links from high traffic web sites, directories, or search engines will raise your rankings faster than low traffic sites. Therefore look for web sites that already get tons of traffic. Offer exclusive rights to your article. Web site owners know they need to consistently write unique content but often don’t have enough time. You can help them out.

Article directories such as Ezine Articles already receive millions of visitors per day. Submitting articles to this directory on a constant basis will produce a constant flow of traffic to your web site.

4. Repurpose your content

Not all people like to consume content in written form. Some prefer to listen or watch. Take the articles you’ve already written and repurpose (convert) them into audio or video files. You can also use your articles for e-courses, teleseminars, web site and blog content etc. By repurposing
your content you’ll attract a wider audience which means more traffic.

5. More articles = higher traffic generation

Not every article will attract visitors but some will attract thousands. You never know which one or ones will generate the most traffic. Your chances increase by writing more articles. As long as your articles remain on the Net they will keep sending traffic to your web site for years to come.

6. Become a guest writer

Offer to write an article for an online publication, newsletter, blog or web site owner. If your article gets published in a very popular publication you’ll receive lots of traffic.

7. Create a list of ezine publishers

Ezine publishers are always on the lookout for unique content. Enter ezines+keyword or newsletter+keyword in the Google search box to find and contact ezine and newsletter publishers you can send your articles to. Often individual newsletters will attract more visitors to your article than submitting it to general directories.

Get my complete step-by-step guide for
Highly Effective Article Marketing Strategies
to boost traffic generation to your web site.

Video Marketing Strategy – How to Achieve Top Rankings and Enjoy More Traffic

When it comes to traffic generation strategies many people forget to create a specific plan of action. Instead they quickly try to implement a multitude of techniques then give up because they did not produce the desired results..lots of traffic.

Why video marketing?

* Using videos is a powerful strategy to boost traffic because it engages your customers’ senses more than just reading text. With video you can include animation, sound and text.

* Your videos can be submitted to multiple video sharing sites simultaneously. This expands the reach of your audience because each video sharing site attracts different kinds of people.

How to create a video marketing strategy:

1. Create a list of keywords that you wish to target

Generate your keyword list by entering your main keyword in the free WordTracker tool. Select keywords that you can easily write articles about.

2. Write an article for each keyword

Once you start writing an article targeting a specific keyword you’ll discover other ideas that can be used as article subtopics. You can often produce several articles from one topic.

3. Create a video slide show for each article

By first writing the article you have done most of the hard work. Now convert the article to video by creating a slide show of it. This can be achieved by creating slide images in Microsoft Paint or other graphics software then importing the images into Windows Movie Maker.

Create a template that you can use for each slide then modify the text when creating a new slide. Display the full web site address in your last slide (or every slide) to direct visitors to the product or service on your web site.

4. Write an optimized description and optimize your tags

Before uploading your video write an attractive description that tells your visitors what to expect by emphasizing the benefits. Include your main keyword(s) in the description and tags. Remember to also include your full web site address within the description so it will become a live link live after uploading your video.

5. Upload your video to major video sharing sites

Here are the top 10 video sharing websites:

Google Video
Yahoo! Video

6. Monitor your rankings and traffic

Check your site stats after a few days. You should see an increase in visitors to your web site as a result of your video submissions. Enter your keyword with quotations around it (ie “keyword”) in the Google search box to monitor your rankings. If it’s not a very competitive term you may achieve top rankings for it. If it’s very competitive you’ll need to create and submit lots more content.

7. Be consistent

Don’t expect to get top rankings with one video. The key to a successful video marketing strategy is to do it consistently. Make a goal to at least create and upload one video per week for the next 3 months. When you see the spectacular results from your marketing efforts you’ll be inspired to produce more videos in a shorter period of time.

Attract 1000s of NEW visitors to your website with

Effective Article Marketing Strategies

Herman Drost is the Certified Internet Webmaster (CIW)
owner and author of Maryland WebSite Design

Twitter – Top 7 Ways to Generate More Web Traffic

I’m always on the look out for new strategies to generate more traffic but often view new tools with quiet skepticism until I actually try them out and gain some success. I’ve begun using Twitter on an almost daily basis now and am convinced it’s a useful addition to my marketing arsenal.

Top 7 Strategies to Generate More Traffic With Twitter

1. Create a twitter account within your EzineArticles profile

EzineArticles now has the ability to automatically syndicate your article to your Twitter account within 140 characters. Every time you submit a new article your followers will see it and can respond to it.

2. Provide sweet morsels of information to your followers

People following you on Twitter are probably interested in nuggets of information they can use immediately. Provide a quick tip to help them grow their business.

3. Start conversations

Twitter is an excellent communication medium that allows you to reply directly to someone in your niche you are following. The replies are often faster than communicating with them by email.

4. Create joint ventures with online Gurus

It’s often difficult to get an email response from online Gurus however if you follow and engage them in conversation on Twitter you have a better chance of doing a joint venture with them. The key is to build a relationship with them first and have a great product that is in high demand.

5. Build a community

Building a community means following and communicating with people in your niche and attracting others that want to follow you. People with the same interests want to gather together to share information. Your community will help you build your business instead of trying to figure out everything on your own.

6. Include links to your favorite resources

Twitter allows you to include links to your blog posts, web site or others sites. Long urls are automatically shortened. This means you can send people to a favorite article by creating an attractive headline within 140 characters then include the link to the rest of the article (or blog post).

7. Research tool

You can enter a keyword in the search box at and it will return a list of Twitter sites related to your search. You can also search on a Twitter username and it will return tweets (twitter messages) for that name.


Attract more followers to your Twitter account by notifying your newsletter subscribers, placing a link on your blog, social marketing sites and email messages. If you take action on all the points mentioned above you’ll build a steady flow of traffic to your web site.

Follow me at
You’ll receive quality tips on the design, conversion and marketing of your web site plus I’ll get back to you in a timely manner if you reply to my Tweets

Herman Drost is the CEO of
Affordable Web Site Design, Web Hosting and SEO.

Unique Visitors – How to Increase and Monitor Your Web Traffic

Are you tracking the amount of traffic to your web site?

The key to making more sales or getting more subscribers is to continuously increase the number of unique visitors.

Definition of Unique Visitors

This refers to a person who visits your web site more than once within a specified period of time. Unique visitors are tracked according to their unique IP addresses and are counted only once no matter how many times they visit your site.

Hits or views are measured by the number of files requested from the site. A file could be accessed multiple times from the same site resulting in multiple hits to your site from the same person. So the number of hits provide an inaccurate view of your site’s visitors. Tracking unique visitors provides a more accurate view of how much traffic you’re receiving.

How to track unique visitors

1. Web host

Most web hosts provide site statistics. If your web site is on a Linux server it will have a cpanel (admin panel) to view your stats. Most hosts use AW stats which tracks daily, weekly, monthly and yearly visitors plus the keywords people use to find your site.

2. Google Analytics

If your web host doesn’t track your sites’ visitors create a Google Analytics account. When you paste the Google Analytics tracking code into website pages, tracking begins immediately. It enables you to find out how your visitors search your site, what they look for, and where they end up.

3. Statistics counter

This is a counter you place on your site that can be visible or invisible to your visitors. You simply sign up for the account then copy and paste the html code into your web pages.

How to increase the number of unique visitors to your web site

One of the best ways to generate immediate and long term visitors to your web site is to write and publish lots of articles.

Here’s how to do it:

  • Create a list of themes to write about
  • Create a list of topics about each theme
  • Create a list of 7 tips for each topic
  • Write a paragraph for each tip
  • Create a resource box at the end of your article that links back to your web site
  • Submit your article to article directories


Make a goal how many unique visitors you want to receive. For instance if you are currently receiving 3 unique visitors per day make a goal to receive 40 per day so you will eventually get 1200 per month.

Create a plan how many articles you will write each week to meet your unique visitor goal. The number of unique visitors will increase in proportion to the number of articles you write. So be sure you write lots of articles.

Get 1000s of NEW visitors to your website without spending
a dime on advertising.

Read my new ebook “Article Marketing Strategies“…
to learn the most effective ways to write and submit articles.

Herman Drost is the Certified Internet Webmaster (CIW)
owner and author of Web Design, Web Hosting, SEO

Article Marketing – How to Get the Most Traffic From Your Articles

Part 2

6. Be a guest writer

Offer to be a guest writer for a large publication or high traffic web site or blog. You will need to show you are an authority in your niche first before they will accept you. Instead of using the same article, modify it enough so it is unique. Your guest article or post will drive lots of traffic to your own web site.

7. Submit unique content to social media sites

Social media sites are currently one of the best ways to attract traffic with good content and backlinks. For example you could create a squidoo lens for your main keyword and write some content around it. Make sure you include links back to your main web site by weaving them into the copy..

To get a list of social media marketing sites and how to market to them visit:

8. Create a PDF

Search engines also spider PDF files. Convert your MS word article to a PDF file and place a link to it on your web site.

9. Create an audio file

Some folks prefer to listen rather than read content. Place an audio file or podcast of your content on your web site or blog then submit your podcast to podcast directories.

10. Create a video

Most people grew up watching television, movies and videos so they are accustomed to visual learning. Create a video of your article and submit your video to YouTube and other video sharing sites. Google indexes video content and includes it in their search engine results.

If you implement these top 10 article marketing methods, you will see a massive increase in traffic, get visitors to your web site and make many sales.

If you want to attract a continuous stream of NEW visitors to
your website without spending a dime on advertising pick up a copy of
my new ebook”Article Marketing Strategies“…
to receive immediate and long-term traffic.

Herman Drost is the Certified Internet Webmaster (CIW)
owner and author of Web Site Design, Web Hosting, SEO

Article Marketing – How to Get the Most Web Traffic From Your Articles

Article marketing is only effective if you are able to do it on consistent basis. You can’t expect to get much traffic if you write and submit one article a month. Well….you would if it was miraculously published by an ezine owner with 10,000 subscribers but there are better methods for achieving success with articles.

Top 10 places to submit your article

1. Submit to the top article directory

Ezine articles dot com is currently the directory that gets the most traffic so submit your article to them first. It may be published by ezine owners looking for new content. It may be read by visitors to the ezinearticles web site (because your article is rotated on the front page with others). It may be viewed by folks that subscribe to their RSS feeds.

2. Submit to other top article directories

If you don’t have time to modify your article submit it anyway to the other top article directories. You won’t get as much traffic if using the same content but you can capitalize on the link juice you receive by including your keywords in the anchor text of the resource box at the end of the article. Modify your anchor text when submitting to many article directories.

3. Include it on your web site

You need to add content to your web site or blog continuously so search engines will visit it and readers receive fresh content. Even if you have a static site, create a section for articles or attach a blog to it.

If your web site gets spidered quickly by the search engines you might place your article here first then submit to the article directories after a few days. This will allow the search engines to spider your site first and rank first for that article.

Alternatively write 2 different articles, one for your web site and another for the directories so you will benefit from both methods and receive more traffic with the extra work.

4. Submit to individual ezine publishers

Create a list of ezine publishers related to your niche by entering ezines+keyword in the Google search box. Every time you write a new article send it to this list. If it’s high quality content that subscribers will find useful you will get lots of new traffic.

5. Article swap

Ask article writers within your niche if they wish to swap articles with you. This means you will publish their article in your ezine if they publish your article in theirs. It creates a win-win situation for both of you.

Points 6-10 will be included in my next post

If you want to attract a continuous stream of NEW visitors to
your website without spending a dime on advertising pick up a copy of
my new ebook”Article Marketing Strategies“…
to receive immediate and long-term traffic.

Herman Drost is the Certified Internet Webmaster (CIW)
owner and author of Web Site Design, Web Hosting, SEO