Deep Links – 7 Effective Deep Linking Strategies to Increase Web Traffic

Deep Linking boosts your web site traffic by helping search engines spider the content on other pages besides your home page. This gives your site greater authority because you have related links pointing to these internal pages.

7 Effective Strategies to Build Deep Links

1. Deep links should only be 3 clicks away from the home page.

Search engines don’t spider web sites deeply so make sure visitors can access all pages within 3 clicks
from the home page. Visitors also don’t want to search throughout your site to find relevant information.

2. Create a site map page

The site map should contain all the links of your web site. Place the site map link on the home page and all other pages. This allows visitors to navigate your whole site from one page. Search engines spidering your home page will also spider all the links on the site map page.

3. Create a Google Site Map

This is an XML site map which is different to the html site map mentioned above. According to Google “Sitemaps provide additional information about your site to Google, complementing our normal methods of crawling the web. We expect they will help us crawl more of your site and in a more timely fashion, but we can’t guarantee that URLs from your Sitemap will be added to the Google index.”

The XML site map can include links, anchor information, page priority and how often your site changes. Click here to read more about Google Site Maps

4. Get relevant links from other web sites

If you find a information relevant to a specific page on your web site ask the site owner if they can link to that page. The best way to do this is to offer something of value in return. It may be a link from your own site, an article you’ve written or you can even offer to pay them for a link from their site to yours.

5. Write articles that target specific web pages

Write an article that focuses on the content of one of your web pages. Use the main keywords in your article title, content and the anchor text in your resource box. Submit your content to the top article directories. If many people publish the article you will receive many links pointing back to your web page. The more articles you generate the more links you’ll acquire.

6. Internal linking

When creating a new web page or blog post link to other pages that have related content. This will strengthen the authority of the page you are linking to and help it attain higher rankings.

7. Use the no follow tag to control deep links

You don’t need search engines to index irrelevant web pages such as your contact or privacy policy pages. It dilutes the authority of your web site. You only want Google to index pages that matter.

To stop Google from indexing irrelevant pages insert the no follow tag like this:

<a href=”” rel=”nofollow”>anchor</a>

This will maximize the flow of link juice to your most important pages and minimizes (or eliminates) the flow of link juice to your least important pages. For more information read “Sculpting Your PageRank For Maximum SEO Impact


Increasing the number and quality of links pointing to your internal pages will make it easier for search engines to spider your web site. This boosts web traffic and get visitors to stay longer on your site because of its in-depth content.

Learn how to Generate 1000s of Links to your web site without spending
a dime on advertising by reading my new ebook “Article Marketing Strategies“…

Herman Drost is the Certified Internet Webmaster (CIW)
owner and author of Web Design, Web Hosting, SEO