Professional Web Site Redesign

Recently a customer of mine wanted a redesign of her professional web site so she could attract more visitors and make more sales. Instead of tweaking her current design I started from scratch and rebuilt/redesigned the whole site so it contained clean code that would make the pages load faster and be more search engine friendly.

Here’s her testimonial:

“Herman Drost and his services through are a life saver. Herman has redesigned and/or upgraded several sites for me and I realized increased traffic and higher Page Rank with in a very short period of time. The web sites that Herman designed for me are clean in appearance with good navigation and the new sites receive a good Page Rank very quickly. Herman’s service is fast and priced very reasonably. I don’t know what I would do without his work.”

Lenn Harley

She’s especially happy, because her sites did not lose rankings with the latest Google updates whereas many of her competitors’
sites did.

For the web designer it’s often faster to redesign or rebuild a professional web site than trying to remedy all the problems associated with the old design.

For the customer it’s a wise investment. In the short term it may not appear so, but over time the site becomes more profitable than the previous one. This is because it may take a few months before you see the results from the search engines.

Read the article I wrote several years ago titled:

Web Site Redesign – from stagnation to rejuvenation

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