Link Popularity – Link Reputation Improves Search Engine Rankings

Most search engines utilize links to build your search engine presence. The quantity and and quality of the links determine how well your site ranks. A common misunderstanding about links is that site owners think that links to or from any site will be good for them.

This is incorrect!

A link from a gambling site to a site selling shoes has no relevancy. Google may penalize your site if you get 100s of links not related to your site’s topic.

Definition of Link Popularity

This refers to how many links point to your site from other sites.

Definition of Link Reputation

This refers to the how closely the link text matches the text on the page that the link points to. The relevancy of the backlinks on a target page will increase or decrease the relevancy of that page to a specific search query or theme in the eyes of a search engine. Link reputation directly influences your search engine rankings and the amount of traffic to that target page.

Further Explanation

Search engines are always trying to provide the most relevant results for visitors search queries. To do this they, they analyze the linking structure of the community. They know what your web pages are about and assume that the pages which are linked to yours are related. The more related pages that point to a specific page, the more influence the page has in their calculations.

Factors that influence link reputation

– Quality and quality of inbound links
– Link relationships of inbound and outbound links.
– The link text is related to the theme of the page.
– Page rank
– Web pages are related to each other ie from same IP address or domain name.
– Web site appears in one of the main directories such or (have high link popularity).


To improve your chances of naturally obtaining backlinks to your site, create content that is unique and useful to your visitors. Offering a free tool or script will also increase your chances of unsolicited backlinks.


17 Untapped Backlink Sources


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  1. […] Although Google has more than 200 ranking signals, the most important thing they look at when ranking pages is the number and quality of links pointing to that page. In short, the more links you receive from authoritative sites in your industry, the higher you’ll rank (this is commonly referred to as “Link popularity“). […]

  2. […] Although Google has more than 200 ranking signals, the most important thing they look at when ranking pages is the number and quality of links pointing to that page. In short, the more links you receive from authoritative sites in your industry, the higher you’ll rank (this is commonly referred to as “Link popularity“). […]

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