Do you want to build up your channel audience on YouTube?
Although most YouTubers add a subscribe button to their YouTube channel they forget to add one to their website. More subscribers equals more views.
The YouTube Subscribe Button lets you add a one-click Subscribe button to any web page. The button lets people subscribe to your YouTube channel without even leaving your website, log in to YouTube or confirm their subscriptions.
Here are the steps to embed the YouTube
subscribe button on your website:
Watch this video…
Step 1.
Go to the YouTube developer’s page or Google “YouTube Developers and click on the first listing” then scroll down to the heading…”YouTube Subscribe Button”
Step 2.
Go down to “Configuration Options” and select the button
that you wish to add to your website.
Step 3.
Go down to “Configure a button” and add your
channel name or channel ID in the box.
Check the layout in this case I’ll check “full”
Select Theme “default” or “dark” in this case I’ll select “default”
Add a subscriber can show it or have it this case I want to show it.
Step 4.
Select the embed code…copy it(Ctrl+C).
Step 5.
Paste it (Ctrl+V)into your web page (if using WordPress select text mode).
Save draft
Step 6.
Click “Preview” to see it if your subscribe button displays correctly on the page. If so, then publish the page (or post).
Here’s how the YouTube subscribe button
will appear on your web page:
Now when people click on the button on your website they’ll be able to subscribe to your YouTube channel without even leaving your website.
And now I’d like to invite you to subscribe to my Free e-course
“21 Ways To Get YouTube Traffic”
Click here to get your first lesson
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