Part 1“>Create Online Store Part 1
So you’ve completed the design of your customized template by having it reflect the image of your online business. Now you need to integrate the PHP Ecommerce Plus Shopping Cart Software into your template pages.
Here’s an example of an online book store I designed and built.
Step 1
Design your html template in your favorite editor. Make sure the design reflects your business image.
Step 2
Purchase the PHP Ecommerce Plus Shopping Cart Software for $140.00
Here’s an example of an online book store I designed and built using the software.
Step 3
Unzip the files you downloaded and place them in the root folder of your server e.g. public_html
Step 4
Create a database for your ecommerce software in the cpanel of your hosting plan. Here’s a tutorial on how to make the database connection:
Now you are ready to Intregrate the PHP Ecommerce Plus Shopping Cart Software With Your Customized Template.
Attract 1000s of NEW visitors to your online store without spending
a dime on advertising.
Read my new ebook “Article Marketing Strategies“…
to learn one of the most effective ways to drive 1000s of visitors to your online store.
Herman Drost is the Certified Internet Webmaster (CIW)
owner and author of Web Design, Web Hosting, SEO
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