If you write articles to market your web site, then you know how much time you need invest to make it worthwhile. Most site owners will use article directories to distribute their articles however this limits the amount of traffic you receive. If this resource dries up and is no longer effective it will cut into your profits. Therefore don’t place all your eggs in one basket.
Top 10 places to market your articles (besides article directories)
1. Your own web site or blog
I always add the articles I write to my web site first then wait for the search engines to spider the web page. This ensures the web page containing the article will be ranked first in the search engines so I can capture the most visitors. If you submit your article elsewhere first that site will rank ahead of your own. This means you will miss out on garnering the most traffic.
2. Complimentary web sites
Contact web site owners that have similar content to your own. Offer them your content making sure they include the live links in your resource box so you receive the benefit of an incoming link. You can find some of these sites at ezine directories where site owners have indicated they want to receive articles from others.
3. Ezine directories
If you already send out a regular ezine or newsletter that includes your newly written content, then be sure to also submit it to ezine or newsletter directories.
Here’s a list of the top twenty ezine directories:
4. Printed version
Visitors to your web site don’t often have time to read all your articles but may print them out for reading later. You can offer a printed version by converting it to a PDF file. A PDF file is the most browser friendly file because it will print correctly on any type of computer.
5. Social bookmarketing sites
These sites allow users to search, share, organize, and store bookmarks of different web pages. Below is a list of social book marketing sites you can submit to:
Social book marketing sites that don’t use the nofollow tag (a tag which allows them to get spidered)
For points 6-10 on “How to Get the Most Mileage from Your Articles” read the next post
Herman Drost is the Certified Internet Webmaster (CIW)
owner and author of Affordable Web Design
Receive fresh, in-depth articles articles on how to design, optimize and promote your web site by subscribing to his “Marketing Tips” newsletter at: http://www.isitebuild.com/
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